Join our growing network of AusBike Delivery Centres.
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Do you love working with children and share our passion for the benefits of bike riding? We’re looking for enthusiastic partners to join our network of AusBike Delivery Centres!
Why Partner with AusBike?
- Grow your organisation: reach younger riders and welcome new members to your club or existing program.
- Become a community hub: establish your centre as the go-to place for children to learn to ride a bike, fostering a love of bike riding from a young age.
- Offer a valuable program: AusBike provides a structure and fun way to teach bike riding skills, promoting safety and confidence.
What is an AusBike Delivery Centre?
Think of it as the local pool for swimming or the tennis court for racquets. An AusBike Centre is a physical place where children and families can:
- Find information on AusBike programs.
- Take part in bike riding activities.
- Get connected to their local cycling community.
Here’s the Difference Between a Delivery Centre and a Club:
- Focus: Delivery Centres provided beginner-friendly programs for children aged 5 to twelve. Clubs often specialize in specific cycling disciplines and are for more experienced riders.
- Activities: Delivery Centres offer AusBike sessions to children. Clubs may focus more on intermediate and advanced group rides or races.
The ideal AusBike Delivery Centre:
- Has a safe and accessible space with toilets, parking, and minimal traffic hazards.
- Is connected to an active AusCycling Club or community organisation.
- Already collaborates (or is willing to collaborate) with schools and local stakeholders.
- Is located in an area with a high concentration of potential participants.
We understand that not every centre will have all these elements. We're here to work with you and develop a delivery model that thrives within your community.
What Makes a Great AusBike Deliverer?
- Passion for child safety: Safety is vital in our programs.
- A suitable space: A safe and accessible location is essential.
- Strong community connections: Partnerships are key to success.
- Commitment to growth: We're all about expanding opportunities for kids to ride.
What We Offer Our Delivery Centres:
- Free instructor accreditation: We train your instructors to deliver engaging AusBike programs (up to 3 instructors per centre).
- Equipment: We provide the necessary equipment to run the sessions effectively.
- Branding and marketing materials: Promote your program with AusBike branded marketing materials.
- Bike equipment (for existing AusCycling Clubs only): We provide two bikes, helmets, and pumps to help encourage children who don't have their own.
- Session plans: Easy-to-follow session plans with video guides ensure successful delivery.
- Insurance coverage: Participants are covered by AusCycling insurance during AusBike programs.
- Dedicated support: Our staff are here to help you with onboarding, program delivery, and provide ongoing support.
- Clear resources: We provide all the resources you need, including key role descriptions and how-to guides.